Campus & Community

UMD Land Lab partnering with Morgan Park Community in plant give-away.

Career fair planned as Dining Services prepares for the upcoming school year's in-person student experience.

UMD Land Lab Sustainability Camps for Duluth High School Students

Creating a more compassionate, inclusive, and accessible world

UMD announces Bob Walker as its new director of UMD Stores.

Seven UMD faculty members announced their retirement in 2021.

UMD is asking the state for $1.6 million to help fund the predesign & design for the first building on UMD's upper campus.

A student carries on her high school passion to create a club at UMD.

Paleoanthropologist Dr. Richard Potts is this year's speaker.

UMD Startup Cup Entrepreneurship Competition to be held virtually on the evening of Wednesday, April 7.