Research & Academics

The Geospatial Analysis Center (GAC) takes on a lot of projects, but one of their current jobs stands out.

University Honors provides students the opportunity to push themselves academically and personally. 

Researchers share reflections from MexiDrill, a scientific drilling program in Mexico City's Lake Chalco basin.

Alex Tappe, a senior in UMD’s civil engineering program and a McNair Scholar, is working on a real-world problem: ice dams in culverts.

Education students get a taste of what it's like to teach children outdoors. 

Can motion-controlled video games boost skills for real-life activity?

Active Learning Classrooms in high demand for calculus-based physics classes.

UMD biology major Loranzie Rogers receives scholarship from the American Fisheries Society for his research.

First event held by the new Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.