The Perfect Blend

Senior Ian Deloney finds his calling in LSBE's Marketing and Graphic Design program. 

Ian Deloney, a senior at UMD, had quite the childhood, living in three different cities in Texas, two cities in Arkansas, a suburb of Nashville, as well as a suburb of Minneapolis. He grew up with a passion for photography and graphic design, and spent a lot of time honing his skills. He also enjoyed freelancing for various companies, using those skills.

When it came time to choosing a college, Ian knew that he wanted to be primarily business-based, but also always had a passion for art. He had never thought about going into graphic design but after finding out how well balanced between business and art the Labovitz School of Business and Economics’ Marketing and Graphic Design major is, he was convinced. “I have not been interested in this field forever; it wasn't until about two years ago that I found out about it,” he says.

LSBE's Marketing and Graphic Design program is unique to UMD. It's a blend of marketing and graphic design knowledge which provides students with diverse skills. Students not only learn the fundamentals of business, but also get focused training in marketing and design.

“I love that I can pair the skills I learn in design classes with projects working with real companies through the business school,” he emphasizes. He is very happy with the experiences he has had while in the program. He has enjoyed his design classes, as well as exploring consumer behavior, advertising and marketing through a Student to Business Initiative project.

In the future, Ian would like to be a freelance marketer working on either “graphic design, social media management, or photography and advertisements for an agency or corporation." He'd encourage future Bulldogs to sign up for the major, “because it's a perfect balance of valuable book skills and real life, hands-on experiences.”

Learn more about LSBE's Marketing and Graphic Design program.