One veteran’s journey to help others
On his first Army patrol, Jacob Heytens was hit by a roadside bomb. Now he wants to put a UMD social work degree to use helping veterans and other at-risk groups.
On his first Army patrol, Jacob Heytens was hit by a roadside bomb. Now he wants to put a UMD social work degree to use helping veterans and other at-risk groups.
Harper Miller is a research assistant in UMD's Social and Political Psychology Lab
UMD student studies evolutionary geology of North Shore waterfalls.
Three-year study identifies conservation concern for native Minnesota fish.
Graduate student examines the impact of microaggressions on BIPOC medical students
UMD student analyzes water isotopes to better understand climate trends.
UMD researchers innovate to reduce textile waste
UMD study shows promise for speech recovery after stroke
Recent study shows career training could significantly boost earnings and cut social service costs.
Minnesota joins nine states in effort to develop zero emissions ironmaking and ultra-low life cycle emissions steelmaking.