Call for Scholarly Works

The UMD Library seeks faculty and staff authors and creators who published work in 2019.

The Kathryn A. Martin Library seeks participants for an upcoming Authors’ Celebration which will highlight UMD faculty and staff who published scholarly works in 2019. Scholarly works that are being sought out included: articles in a journal, books, book chapters, or other creative activity (public performances, exhibits, etc.) We want to celebrate the work accomplished in 2019 - no work is too small!  

We seek your assistance in helping us to identify these authors/creators. Please share or fill out this short form so we can include these colleagues in our celebration.  We are hoping to have a list of authors compiled by November 27, 2019, in order to deliver invitations to participants before the end of this semester.

We will hold a UMD Author’s Celebration on January 30, 2020 in the Library Rotunda at 3:00pm. This event is co-sponsored by Faculty Senate and it is our hope that every college will be represented at each event. 

Please contact Jodi Carlson Grebinoski, Scholarly Communications Librarian, at [email protected] with any questions.