At the Intersection of Art and Applicable

Art history students are bringing Duluth's vision into focus.

Art history students are presenting their proposals for two Duluth-based urban design projects on Tuesday, April 25 from 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in Humanities 314, 1201 Ordean Court.

 "City as a Work of Art” is the culmination of Dr. Jennifer Webb’s 2000 level art history class. Her students created proposals that are rooted in history with an eye to the future. “I asked them to both build upon the history of urban planning and respond to opportunities to transform the fabric of Duluth,” says Webb.

The two urban design projects this year’s class worked on are a gondola system to better connect the top and bottom of Duluth’s hillside, and a Michigan Street corridor redesign. Both are inspired by the Imagine Duluth 2025 visioning.

“The real-world applicability of the final project make the theoretical content of the course more tangible,”’ Webb says.

The final projects will be shared in seven-minute presentations by eight groups of students on April 25. Students also submit a final written report.

This is the fifth year that Webb’s assigned “City as a Work of Art” to her students. Past projects can be found here.