Career-minded Series

The Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures is sponsoring a series of events to help students prepare for careers.

This series, which is offered in conjunction with Career and Internship Services and International Programs and Services, kicked off on September 28 with the session “The Value of a Language B.A.”, which highlighted the many careers in which language skills and cultural knowledge are valuable. 

The next event in the series is “Articulate the Value of Study Abroad”, which helps students to identify the strengths gained through study abroad experiences when preparing resumes or speaking with prospective employers. This session will be valuable for students who have already studied abroad as well as those to plan to study abroad in the future. It will be held on October 18 at 5 pm in 224 Cina Hall. 

The final event, an “Interpreting Strengths Quest”, will be offered as two separate sessions: the first on November 9 at 4 pm for students in their first year at UMD and the second on November 10 at 4 pm for continuing UMD students. The location of these sessions will be announced at a future date. We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity, which is supported by a Strategic Enrollment and Retention Grant. 

Please contact Professor Maureen Tobin-Stanley ([email protected]) for further information.