David Bowen Exhibition Items

David Bowen, associate professor in Art and Design, has work in a number of upcoming exhibitions.

Bowen's work tele-present water will be featured in 1.2.3.data. quand les données deviennent formes a group exhibition at Foundation EDF, Paris, May-September.
A newly expanded large scale version of Bowen's work tele-present wind produced by  PROTOTIPOAK will debut at Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao, May-September. tele-present wind  is a collaboration with The Visualization and Digital Imaging Lab, UMD.
Professor Bowen has been invited to participate as a Node Leader at The Digital Naturalism Conference DiNaCon, Phuket Island, Thailand, July. Bowen's research during the conference will consist of a series of experiments enabling live plants to autonomously pilot drones. 
Bowen's work was featured in an interview piece titled Extra Human Art on ARTE/Tracks, Paris April 13.

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