The Fabric of Duluth

UMD art history students share their vision of a reimagined Duluth.

Art history students presented their proposals for two Duluth-based urban design projects to Duluth city planners on Thursday, May 3 from 12 -1:45 p.m. in Humanities 314, 1201 Ordean Court.

“City as a Work of Art” is the culmination of Associate Professor Jennifer Webb’s 2000 level art history class. Her students are required to collaborate– a skill, says Webb, that they’ll need in their careers. “The projects require the students to work together in a way that prepares them well for their lives after graduation.”

The final projects will be shared in seven-minute presentations by eight groups of students on May 3, 2018. Students also submit a final written report.

About the Projects

Projects assigned by Webb are inspired by the Imagine Duluth 2025 visioning.

The two urban design projects this year’s class worked on are redesigning the lots around Essentia Health and the former Cobb Elementary School. “They’re presenting designs that translate the theoretical discussions had in the classroom to real-world designs that have a direct impact on the communities of the Twin Ports,” says Webb.

Essentia Hospital Campus Area Redesign 

Reimagining the expanding Essentia Hospital campus with a design that includes mixed-use development, transforming lots into neighborhood anchors, and providing amenities that serve the needs of people visiting Essentia and living and working in the neighborhood.

Cobb School Site Redesign

Reimagining the former Cobb School (current Montessori School) to include mixed-use development, improved connectivity to Hartley Nature Center, and bike and pedestrian accessibility.

This is the fifth year that Webb’s assigned “City as a Work of Art” to her students. Past projects can be found here.

Visit the School of Fine Arts website