Upcoming Study Abroad Collegiate Fairs

ver considered Studying abroad? Maybe you thought that because of your major it wasn't an option. But it is possible! 

EWe are having study abroad collegiate fairs all this month where we focus on how studying abroad can apply to majors within a specific college. Whether you are looking for a short-term program in the summer or a semester or yearlong program we can find something that will work with your major and keep you on track to graduate on time. See below for when and where your college's study abroad fair is. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • CLA Study Abroad Fair: 10 am-2 pm October 11 in Cina Lounge
  • SFA Study Abroad Fair: 10 am-2 pm October 18 in front of the Tweed Museum

- England: Shakespeare in England

-Sweden & Denmark: Nordic Art and Design

  • SCSE Study Abroad Fair: 10 am-2 pm October 24 in the SSB Atrium

- Bahamas: Coral Reef Studies in the Bahamas