Six Resolutions for Sustainability at UMD!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2019!

We've put together a list of simple actions to make 2019 your most sustainable year yet. And we're starting today because...procrastination. 

1. Make #BringYourOwn the norm. In 2019, up your reusable game and the Bring Your Own ethic to a new level and reduce waste from single-use items. Key items for BYO: coffee mug, water bottle, silverware, cloth napkin, reusable bag(s), containers (pack your lunch/leftovers). 

2. Choose to bike/bus/walk instead of driving. For 2019, consider replacing some trips when you would normally drive with a bike, bus, or walking option. UMD has great programs for transportation alternatives. Virtual meetings could help eliminate a trip too -- save yourself time and driving by using technology to connect to colleagues from the comfort of your office. 

3. Eat more plants. Choosing a veggie/plant-based meal once or a few times a week can reduce your carbon, water, and environmental footprint! Some strategies to get started are Meatless Mondays or being a lunch-time vegetarian. Find what works for you.

4. Get outside. There is so much to love about Duluth's outdoor spaces -- even in the winter. And keeping connected to the natural is important to sustaining health and wellbeing. Take the time to properly gear up so you can enjoy uniquely Duluth winter activities: a (frozen) beach stroll on Park Point, a snow trek along the nearby creek, or having a good laugh while you navigate the unruly and often icy sidewalks. Loving Duluth through all her seasons is why we stay in this place. 

5. Vote with your dollars! Go for more local options in 2019 and support our local economy. Duluth is a great place to find local food products and small business entrepreneurs. Every dollar you spend is a yes vote, telling producers that you want more. 

6. Get Involved and Take Action. A great way to promote sustainability is to get involved with hands-on activities -- and there are many on campus. The Office of Sustainability maintains a Take Action page with volunteer opportunities, a leadership program, green office certification, and more.