Large Lakes Observatory

Currents in Motion

In an attempt to answer novel and complex questions, UMD’s LLO deploys equipment designed to take data from Lake Superior.

LLO Science on Deck

UMD's Research Vessel Blue Heron offers free tours and a talk on July 19.

LLO Science on Deck

On Friday, August 30, tour the R/V Blue Heron and learn about "Potential Sources of Cyanobacteria in Lake Superior.

Researchers Investigate a Mystery

Work by Sergei Katsev and team indicates sulfate-poor oceans and methane-fueled greenhouse effect saved early Earth from freezing.

Research Grants

UMD faculty members received fall 2018 GIA awards.

Algae Bloom Draws National Attention

An unprecedented algae bloom along Lake Superior's south shore raises concerns about the changing climate and its effects on the lake.