Round the Clock Watch

UMD AFROTC honors veterans with vigil.

UMD’s Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) is preparing to post watch in observance of Veteran’s Day from midnight on Wednesday, November 11 to midnight on Thursday, November 12, 2020.

Two at a time, the cadets will be stationed at the flagpole outside the front entrance of the Darland Administration Building, 1049 University Drive. 

Forty-three cadets are covering 96 half-hour shifts with temperatures near freezing and the potential for snow. 

This is the fourth year that senior AFROTC cadet Jacob Luczak has participated in the vigil. “Last year, I remember how tired I felt doing a 2 a.m. shift and then just taking the time to reflect on what the great veterans of our country have given us,” he says, adding, “We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.”

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