A group of University for Seniors and other community members are holding a bird count at Glensheen historic estate in honor of a friend, Ann Redelfs, who died suddenly in April 2020. Marie Fegley, a University for Seniors member, and her friend, Bill Miner, remember Ann fondly, and one event is special. Ann helped round up a group to see the Sandhill Crane migration in Wisconsin. Ann, who served as the associate director of public programs for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology before coming to Duluth in 2013, knew about the local Sandhill Crane migration. She knew her new Duluth friends would be thrilled to experience it in person.
"We took a bus trip to Grantsburg," says Bill, an avid birder. "The Sandhills gather in a marshy area with nearby cornfields."Marie remembers, "We went to a museum first, and then we arrived in the marsh to watch the Sandhills come in." The flocks arrived in groups of 10 to 20, coming in over the horizon.
They are long birds, and they fly with their necks outstretched. When they landed, their trailing long legs floated down. By evening, hundreds were roosting in the fields, gathering for a morning take off on their long journey to the south.
"It was a fantastic sight," says Marie. "And it was fun to be with Ann. She enjoyed it so much."
Barb Akre is another area birder who was a friend of Ann's. Barb taught one of the University for Seniors birding classes and is one of the driving forces behind the Ann Redelfs Bird Count at Glensheen. Another driving force is long time University for Seniors member Myrna Matheson. Barb and Myna reached out to all of their friends in the Audubon Society, the Isaac Walton League, and others to join the bird count.
The Ann Redelfs Bird Count
The bird count will be held at the Glensheen Historic Estate, 3300 London Road, Duluth, MN, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. between Sept. 1-10. Check with Glensheen, 218-726-8190, about additional hours. The areas where birds are being tracked correspond to the 13 educational signs throughout the Glensheen grounds. Everyone is welcome. The Glensheen staff are expecting the birders. Guest should identify themselves as birders. Be sure to stay on the paths.
Entries include: A) Name, address, phone number, and email is optional. B) Glensheen educational sign (1-13), C) time of day and date, D) bird sighted, and E) comments. Simply use a piece of paper to record your birds or find forms at Glensheen's carriage house.
Birders can drop off their list at the Glensheen carriage house or email it to Francis Heid, [email protected]. Email photos to [email protected] too. Counters may come as many days as they like. On Sept. 13, the results of the bird count will be sent to all who participated.
Glensheen is offering free grounds entry to anyone participating in the Ann Redelfs Bird Count. Visitors to Glensheen are expected to be safe and follow COVID-19 precautions.
About Ann
Ann Redelfs' friends feel her loss terribly. As one of them said, “We honor Ann because she was deeply kind and caring. As a mentor, she worked tirelessly to make the lives of others better.” Ann is remembered for her support to the Duluth community and her love of birding, hiking, and people. Duluth Mayor Emily Larson will declare Ann Redelfs Day (Ann’s Birthday) on September 13, 2020. See more about Ann on the SOAR Facebook page. The administrator is Cheryl Converse-Rath. For more info contact Francis Heid, [email protected].
Banner photo above: Marie Fegley and Bill Miner counted birds at Glensheen in August. Their 20 minute tally: five Canada Geese, three Chickadees, and five very small black birds high up in a spruce tree.