Walking and Writing for Change

UMD alumni authors reading from their works.

The College of Liberal Arts is hosting “Walking and Writing for Change” on Friday, March 31 at 2 p.m. in room 355 of the Kriby Student Center, 1120 Kirby Drive. It’s free and open to the public.

The event features four writers, all UMD alumni, whose work encourages social and personal change:

Cheryl Reitan, co-author of “Thunder of Freedom”

Gwen Hoberg, co-author of “The Walk Across North Dakota”

Joe Erickson, co-author of “Expanding Literate Landscapes”

Lyle Wildes, author of “Brain Change”

David Beard, director of Graduate Studies in the Master of Liberal Studies program, believes that the event will foster connections between students, alumni, and the community.  "Our alumni authors use writing to raise consciousness around challenging issues like race, criminal justice, and literacy. And, they invite people to share personal experiences like walking across North Dakota and crossing barriers created by racism. Working with these alumni is a real privilege."