UMD, Cloquet, and the Collective Brain

Mobile Neuroscience Lab heads to Cloquet.

Master of Psychology Book

Psychology graduate students will travel to Cloquet Middle School, 509 Carlton Avenue, on Thursday, December 3 to implement a Mobile Neuroscience Lab. The media availability is from 11:50 am – 12:38 pm.

The Mobile Neuroscience Lab helps seventh-graders meet their life science standards while engaging them in hands-on neuroscience-based learning activities, like handling actual brains.

The lessons are twofold says Cindy Welsh, a Cloquet science teacher. “Both the middle school and psychology students benefit from interacting with each other. The college students share their advanced knowledge and become role models for what our students can aspire to.”

The psychology students have developed lessons and will demonstrate brain concepts. “The mobility of the lab allows UMD to bring the experience into area schools instead of requiring students to take a field trip,” says Assistant Professor Rebecca Gilbertson, who’s coordinating the lab.

The Mobile Neuroscience Lab is a service learning activity being funded by a public engagement grant. 

For more information, visit the Master of Psychology program website.