Report from the Border

UMD hosting presentation on seeking asylum along the Mexico-U.S. Border.

Dr. Lyn Clark Pegg, a grassroots organizer for Witness for Peace, is presenting, “Report from the Border: Seeking Asylum along the Mexico-U.S. Border” on Monday, December 3 at 4 p.m. in Solon Campus Center, 1117 University Drive.

Pegg is being  introduced by UMD Political Science Associate Professor Shannon Drysdale Walsh, who has conducted extensive research about gender violence and the Central American Caravan. Dr. Walsh will provide background on violence against women in Central America, one driver of migration, and an overview of immigration law. 

Walsh and Pegg are available to answer questions about this timely topic before the presentation, from 3 - 3:30 p.m.

First-hand Account

Pegg is providing a first-hand account after returning from the Mexico-Arizona border. 

She’s sharing her observations of “Operation Streamline” deportation hearings, a desert walk along the border wall, and visiting migrant shelters in Mexico to meet people who are waiting to seek asylum. 

Pegg will discuss implications of current U.S. policies and proposals for those who live along the border, immigrants, and the environment. 

The event is sponsored by the Alworth Institute, Center for Ethics and Public Policy, and the Political Science Association.

Walsh’ research on gender violence and the Central American “Caravan”