"And Then They Came For Us"

A discussion with camp survivor, Sally Sudo, and John Matsunaga, a child of survivors, will follow the film. 

A screening of the film "And Then They Came For Us" will be held on Wednesday, April 18 at 7 pm in 120 Solon Campus Center. Sally Sudo, a survivor of the Minidoka Camp in Idaho, and John Matsunaga, a child of survivors of the Gila River Camp in Arizona, will lead a discussion following the film. This event is free and open to the public.

The film, directed by Abby Ginzberg and Ken Schneider, discusses the internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans during the second World War. It features George Takei and others who were incarcerated. Some of the images in the film are newly rediscovered photographs by Dorothea Lange.

This event is sponsored by the Baeumler Kaplan Holocaust Commemoration Committee. 


Poster for "And Then They Came For Us" event