Diabetes and Healthy Food Access

Hear "A Healthy Diné Nation: Empowering Our Communities" at UMD on Tues., Jan. 24

Denisa Livingston, an EmPOWERED-to-Serve National Ambassador for the  2016–17 American Heart Association, will give a presentation on Tues., Jan. 24 at 4 p.m. in the UMD Library Rotunda. This event is free and open to the public.

Her talk addresses the #diabesity (diabetes and obesity) epidemic, the dominant culture of unhealthy foods, and the lack of healthy food access through tax laws and policies on the Navajo Nation. Livingston, who has a Masters in Public Health and is a member of the Navajo Nation, worked with the Diné Community Advocacy Alliance to enact legislation to eliminate taxes on healthy foods sold on the Navajo Nation reservation while increasing taxes on unhealthy junk foods and sugary beverages.

The event is part of the RICH (Research for Indigenous Community Health) Center Speaker Series, funded by the UMN Institute for Advanced Studies. It is presented in connection with the University of Minnesota Pharmacy Program - Duluth and the Research for Indigenous Community Health Center (RICH): 212 W. 2nd Street, Suite A, Trepanier Hall, Duluth, MN 55802-2067, 218-726-7130, [email protected].