Search Library Resources from Any Device

The Kathryn A. Martin Library introduces a new search interface with a new look and mobile-friendly features.

Librarians at the Kathryn A. Martin Library are pretty excited about a new development in the library catalog's UI, or its "user interface." And for good reason! If you ever tried using the old search box from a mobile device, you know it needed an upgrade.

The new interface also allows users enhanced list-making to create comprehensive bibliographies for later use.  The new search box looks the same on the home page, but the underlying discovery layer has a new look and mobile-friendly features. For example, saving searches and links to resources is easier than ever! Simply save or bookmark the URL from your browser bar to view it again later. Users can also pin articles and books to create comprehensive bibliographies for later use. 

The search box from the library homepage will direct you to all of our in-house library materials and the majority of our online databases and resources. More resources are available on our library's database pageIf you'd like to explore other functions of the new UI, we invite you to meet with a Research & Learning librarian or email us to setup an appointment.  We hope you like the new search interface as much as we do!