Librarian Honored

Librarian Kim Pittman receives an award for her assessment work. 

Kim Pittman is Information Literacy & Assessment Librarian for the Kathryn A. Martin Library. She also serves as the library’s program assessment liaison, and on December 5, 2018 she received an award for her work.

Each year, Kim works with Writing Studies instructors to collect anonymized student work, such as bibliographies, topic proposals, and reflective writing. Kim works with Research & Learning librarians to assess students’ information literacy learning as demonstrated in these assignments. The purpose of collecting these items is to assess how students experience the research process and identify areas that students find challenging in relation to this process.  In essence it shows what areas we can better provide teaching and guidance within each program.

Kim was selected for the award under the category for “measurement.” According to the committee she was selected for: “conscientiously and carefully created sensitive measures” which “delineate the teaching effect of the collaboration between the library and faculty teaching Intro to College Writing (WRIT 1120) and Advanced Writing 31xx. The measures provide rich and precise data which informs the work of both entities.”

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