Anne Hovde Receives Staff Award

Library Director Matt Rosendahl presented Anne with the Library Staff Award on December 17.

Anne Hovde was the recipient of the Library Staff Award, an award given out twice annually. The award is based on “exceptional leadership on the job, customer focus, and/or quality of service within the past year,” and nominations are put forth by fellow library staff. The award consists of a certificate of appreciation and is accompanied by a $250 cash award.

During the presentation, Library Director Matt Rosendahl shared the comments that were given by nominators in regard to the impact of her leadership and support:

“Anne takes on a significant responsibility in maintaining library collections, both digital and physical, especially in the wake of turnover. Her work is detailed and communication sharp and clear, and she interacts in a fair and professional manner with managers, R&L and systems. Anne has handled a lot of job responsibilities in addition to her own work while we have been without an e-resources librarian. She has also been instrumental in the course content support initiative, both in designing a successful workflow for determining e-textbooks purchases and in accomplishing a large amount of work in a very timely manner.”

Nominators also commented on their appreciation for her collaborative and kind nature:

"Anne is complimentary, friendly to all staff and works hard to make this library excel. She serves as a mentor and friend to many, and her door is always open to colleagues who need advise, wonder about a procedure, or need clarification. She is always very collaborative and helpful whenever I have questions, which is often! She has also been instrumental in the course content support initiative, both in designing a successful workflow for determining e-textbooks purchases and in accomplishing a large amount of work in a very timely manner. She is a great person to work with; thoughtful, calm, and fair in her responses to questions and her decisions."

Congratulations, Anne!