The End of Windows 7

ITSS is currently working to ensure all ITSS-managed PCs are updated to the Windows 10 operating system in 2019.

What "End of Life" Means

Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7 as of January 2020. Once Windows 7 reaches "end of life," computers running Windows 7 may be vulnerable to viruses, intrusions, or data theft. Computers running Windows 7 after the Microsoft-mandated end-of-life deadline (January 2020) present a high security risk to the University network.

ITSS will not provide support to machines running Windows 7 after January 2020, and they may be blocked from accessing the University's network.

Find Out Your Options

If your research requires you to stay on Windows 7, please contact the ITSS Help Desk to get a discussion started on your options. It may be necessary to work with your collegiate unit and/or the software/hardware vendor to determine compatibility requirements.

Get an Assessment

If you are concerned your current hardware will not support Windows 10, please contact the ITSS Help Desk to schedule an assessment of your computer.

Generally speaking, any computer purchased within the last 3 to 4 years should support Windows 10. However, units should be prepared to purchase new hardware as needed. Once the assessment is complete, we can schedule an upgrade time for your device. The TechCenter has a limited number of loaner laptops we can provide for use during the upgrade process.

Update Soon

ITSS is actively working to transition users from Windows 7 to Windows 10. If you are currently using Windows 7, your computer should be updated at your earliest convenience. Updating to Windows 10 allows for the most up-to-date security protections and adds many new exciting features.

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