Bring Your UCard!

Heading to the ITSS TechCenter or Multimedia Hub for a repair or to check out equipment? Bring your UCard!

Bring it for Check Outs and Repairs

We'll be asking for your UCard when you visit either of these places to check out equipment, or if you're checking in a device for repair at the TechCenter.

Get Faster Service and Better Security

Using the UCard helps us to provide faster service to our customers and to ensure that our customer data is accurate. We'll also be using it to verify eligibility, as our check-out and repair services are available for current students, faculty and staff only. Requiring a UCard provides better security and device protection for both the customer and for ITSS.

Unneeded for Help at Front Counter or HelpDesk

Just looking for some technical support? While we may ask for your UCard, you won't be required to present it to visit the HelpDesk or to receive technology help at the front counter. As always, these free services are available to anyone associated with the University, including alumni and retired faculty and staff.

Learn more about ITSS.