New Phones and Duo

Did you get a new phone over the summer? If so, learn how to reactivate, add, or remove phones with Duo, with or without your old phone.

New Phone, Same Number

If you are keeping the same phone number on your new smartphone, first check to see that you have the Duo Mobile app, then reactivate Duo Mobile. Follow the steps on Add a New Phone.

New Phone, Different Number

If you have a new phone with a new number, simply follow the steps on Add a New Phone.

If you will not be using your old phone number again, then after you've added the new phone, un-enroll the old one.

New Phone, Old Phone Lost, Broken, Stolen or Dead

If you no longer have access to Duo on your old phone, you'll need to use a backup Duo device to enroll your new phone.

If you have not enrolled a backup device and/or have not generated self-service bypass codes, you'll need to get a temporary security code by visiting a walk-in location with a valid ID. On the UMD campus, the location is at the TechCenter Help Desk in Kirby Plaza 165.

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