Illuminating the Word: The Art of The Saint John's Bible

The Jankofsky Lecture Series welcomes Susan Sink, author of The Art of The Saint John's Bible, on Tues., Apr. 3.

The event is Tuesday, April 3, at 4 PM in the Kathryn A Martin Library Rotunda, and is free and open to the public. There will be a reception to follow the lecture.

Susan Sink will discuss the illuminations in The Saint John’s Bible, providing insight into the tools and materials of this ambitious project that master calligrapher Donald Jackson and his team used to make the first handwritten, hand-illuminated bible commissioned by a Benedictine monastery since the invention of the printing press. The presentation will explore the inspiration for particular illuminations and analyze how motifs and visual effects are carried through the seven volumes. 

Sink is the author of The Art of The Saint John’s Bible, which gives an introduction and context to every illumination in The Saint John’s Bible. She has been engaged with The Saint John’s Bible project since 2006, and works closely with The Heritage Edition program. She is an Oblate of Saint John’s Abbey. She grows food, writes, and lives on an 80-acre farm in Central Minnesota, posts poems and essays on and occasionally blogs at

Susan Sink

Sink is also a poet, the author of The Way of All the Earth, Habits, H is for Harry, and a forthcoming novel, Officer Down. She was a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University and has an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. She came to Collegeville as a scholar at the 

Collegeville Institute, and began work with The Saint John's Bible while working as an editor at Liturgical Press. She also served as the communications director for the women's Benedictine community and ran the Episcopal House of Prayer, a retreat center near campus. She is currently an editor for Bearings Online, the online magazine of the Collegeville Institute.

Sponsored by the Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies. Presented by the College of Liberal Arts and the Jankofsky Fund for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.  

Susan Sink Book

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