
Her journey to the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders has been full of a lot of hard work and incredible experiences. 

An Interview with Michelle Johnson-Jennings, director of the Research for Indigenous Community Health (RICH) Center.

No further questions - this Bulldog wowed at the American Mock Trial Association Regional Tournament

Capture images of UMD's Kathryn A. Martin Library.

All aboard the Bulldog bus, as a send-off for campus lobbyists planned.

Matt Rudig ‘01 has traveled thousand of miles over the course of a few years serving the public in unique ways. 

Alumna Ellie Schoenfeld celebrates life and community as Duluth's newest Poet Laureate.

Nicholas Vang mixes genres to liven middle school classes.

BOLD, or Bulldogs Of the Last Decade, consists of young professionals who have graduated from UMD within the last ten years. 

Sheila Paintsil contributes to knowledge about cells and molecules.