Research & Academics

Civil engineering students are on solid ground as they gain familiarity with the concepts and equipment involved in soil compaction

A recent UMD study found some of the oldest animals in the world living in a place you wouldn’t expect.

The Tutoring Center provides students with extra help to be academically successful

Smart risk-taking via mountain biking and hands-on experience in the transportation and logistics industry

New NIH research grant helps fund health education

Meet Mikayla Falteisek a third-year psychology student who works in UMD's Mind-Body Trauma Care Lab

Johan Lopez-Ortega applies his coursework at an internship that improves the Duluth community

The impact that quagga mussels have on the Great Lakes food web gives deep meaning to the saying 'food for thought'

UMD Associate Professor Ted Ozersky is the principal investigator on a newly funded project titled "Collaborative Research: Advancing a comprehensive model of year-roun

Program provides funding and mentorship for students to pursue research projects