Research & Academics

UMD students have developed a potential solution to fast rope descent injuries for the U. S. Air Force as part of a design challenge.

The Geospatial Analysis Center (GAC) takes on a lot of projects, but one of their current jobs stands out.

University Honors provides students the opportunity to push themselves academically and personally. 

Researchers share reflections from MexiDrill, a scientific drilling program in Mexico City's Lake Chalco basin.

Alex Tappe, a senior in UMD’s civil engineering program and a McNair Scholar, is working on a real-world problem: ice dams in culverts.

Education students get a taste of what it's like to teach children outdoors. 

Can motion-controlled video games boost skills for real-life activity?

Active Learning Classrooms in high demand for calculus-based physics classes.

UMD biology major Loranzie Rogers receives scholarship from the American Fisheries Society for his research.